ince his appearance in Palestine over two-thousand years ago, the story of the man from Galilee has spread to all corners of the world. His life has inspired artists and musicians to reach new heights, great houses of worship have been erected to his glory, all in adoration for him having lived a perfect life.
Who, then, was this man? Was he the result of a virgin birth? Did he come to die on a cross for sin? Is he God incarnate to be worshipped? In The Genuine Jesus he states, that he was not conceived by the holy spirit and born of a virgin, but was born in the normal way. His death on the cross did not pay a price for sin, but he died because of sin - the sin that was in the hearts of the rulers and in some of the people. Jesus is emphatic that he is not God or the second part of a supposed trinity, and does not want to be worshipped.
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Until now our knowledge of Jesus has come from the Gospels of the Bible, but because its contents have been translated, copied, and recopied with additions and omissions it cannot be relied upon. But now there is a more authentic story of his life and teachings that was channelled to the Washington, D.C., lawyer James E. Padgett and received through the means of automatic writing.
Padgett’s wife Helen was the first to write him soon after her passing in 1914, and in time Jesus and his disciples also wrote. This was the very year that Jesus was expected to return, and return he did, though not in the anticipated physical way as a mortal conqueror with legions of followers and noises of drums and by force of arms or greatness of power to subdue his enemies, but in a spiritual way through the psychic contact with the American lawyer to deliver the knowledge that had been lost through the ages.
Jesus is astounded by the absurdity of the doctrine of the vicarious atonement. Because if it were true that God's plan for the redemption of sin was Jesus's shed blood and death, then why is it that those who made the alleged ransom possible - Judas who betrayed him, Pilate who sentenced him and the Jews who clamoured for his death - are not considered saviours as well even if only in a secondary sense, instead of going down in history as traitors and villains.
Jesus was born to be the Messiah, his mission was to proclaim the creation of a new heavenly realm - a kingdom - high up in the spirit world that God had brought into existence at the time of his birth. Jesus’s most important teaching was, that through prayer to his Heavenly Father - and not to him - one may acquire a soul filled with the essence of God - divine love. Because the people of Palestine at the time Jesus was preaching were not educated they did not understand what he meant and this concept was lost over the ages.
It was through the divine love that Jesus became the Christ, the first true son of God, and the one who would show the way to immortal life in a kingdom of love and happiness.
Alan Ross